2022 Midyear update
2022 has been a year of welcome like we've never experienced! With over 1,000 new neighbors from Afghanistan arriving between September 2021 and February 2022, and traditional resettlement continuing for neighbors from all over the world, Spero has grown in every way in pursuit of OKC being a place of belonging for all.
Much of this season of resettlement has been new, unexpected, and has required speed and innovation. But much of this season has also shown us again what has always been true in the resettled community: our new neighbors guide us, mentor us, and challenge us to grow in our understanding of welcome. We are humbled every day that our new neighbors allow us to partner with them in this season of their lives. We want to grow to be better people and a better organization because of the wisdom, insight, and creativity they offer us. It's also shown us again what has always been true of our partners--you believe in the wonder of welcome! You show up in incredible and generous ways for our new neighbors. We continue to be amazed at the amount of time, support, and gifts of finance and tangible resource that have been made available to Spero and our neighbors. It's truly remarkable and we can't express enough what a difference it has made for the resettled community. This unexpected and incredibly large increase in resettlement has not happened without its impact on Spero and the Spero family, we know. As we work as quickly as possible to build newly needed processes, structures, and systems of communication, we want to offer our deep gratitude for your grace, patience, and understanding. We don't take your partnership lightly and we are so grateful for you taking this next leg in the journey with us!
English language acquisition is crucial to a successful transition into OKC. This impacts so many pieces of daily life--employment opportunities, communicating with your children's teachers, signing contracts and leases, and making and getting to medical appointments. That's why hosting on-site adult ELL (English Language Learning) where new neighbors live is so important. These spaces become community hubs and remove barriers such as transportation and childcare. After a challenging season for in-person classes due to Covid, and in response to new neighbors from Afghanistan, our ELL classes have grown quickly from 3 to 38 classes weekly and we're excited to walk along over 267 students who attend bi-weekly classes!
Among the many needs and stressors new neighbors experience in their resettlement process, it's truly incredible that our neighbors participate in these classroom spaces that require time and hard work. We are honored in every way to partner with those who join us in learning from each other.
The Spero Project has given us many opportunities that have helped us meet part of our goals, including learning the culture, the English language through its classes, learning to drive, being more independent in our daily lives. --ELL Student
OKC is home to some incredible employers who have partnered with the resettled refugee community. And we have been proud to partner with both employers and neighbors in this season! Spero's Employment Support Team offers resources and support for employers to understand trauma, displacement, and culture. And new neighbors are connected to employment opportunities, transportation to employment, and resources and support in understanding workplace culture, expectations and norms in Oklahoma. Since December, we've partnered with the community and our neighbors to see 74 employment placements and that number continues to grow.
In partnership with some incredible community organizations, educators, and our Afghan neighbors, Spero had the honor of facilitating STEP from January-June for students arriving through the Afghan Placement Assistance program. This transitional education program fostered trauma-informed care for over 240 Pre-K through 12th-grade students living in temporary housing until permanent housing was secured.
Serving as the first step in students' educational journey, STEP created an opportunity to share about home culture while learning about culture in the United States. In addition to cultural orientation and social and emotional learning, students were engaged in high-quality, personalized education, learning language, math, geography, science, physical education, and much more! Moms were also invited to be on-site daily to participate in ESL classes, cultural orientations, and social gatherings alongside their babies and toddlers. So many incredible team members, volunteers, and community partners had to work together to make this program possible. We are in awe of the generosity and immediate responsiveness when this urgent and unexpected need arose.
Foundational to Spero's partnership with the resettled community is building networks of support for day-to-day life and engagement with schools and school systems. Community Support Specialists and School Liaisons are dedicated team members who ensure that new neighbors have access to these networks. Can you imagine what you might need support, guidance, advice, or simply information on if you suddenly lived in a new country? Spero's team members show up as advocates by offering assistance in activities such as: school enrollment; communicating with educators and school systems; medical appointments and understanding medical systems; understanding financial systems; communicating with landlords, neighbors, and utility companies; gaining drivers licenses; understanding vehicle insurance and requirements; navigating social systems and public benefits; and much more!
We've been having a blast with students at Summer Programs around the city. These programs partner with parents to ensure students don't lose language gains of the previous school year, to encourage new and broader skills, and to facilitate continued growth in social engagement.
We are so grateful for the amazing volunteers who make these programs possible, especially as we triple in program sites this year!
Summer is a great time to encourage students! University tours are a great way to do just that. Thank you to this summer's host, OU, who welcomed and inspired our neighbors.
The OU trip was special because of the environment and the people we met there. I loved seeing around the college and how big it was. Definitely considering going there. --tour participant
This year, we have truly seen amazing growth and opportunities to walk alongside our neighbors in new ways! You have deeply impacted each and every person who has been a part of the Spero family this year. Thank you for your care that made it possible for our new neighbors to step boldly into their next endeavor. It is a joy and an honor to partner with you! As ever, thank you for making Oklahoma City a place of belonging!
With Hope,
The Spero Team